Monday, May 26, 2008

We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.

Yes, when you read this you might hear some "Space Case!" whispers, but in his own way, he put into words exactly how I feel about my own songs sometimes.

These songs; take them. Share them. Own them. Make love to them. Cook to them. Eat with them. Buckle them up in the car and blast them during your busy city commute. Sleep with them on in the background. Send them to your dreams' ideal setting. Maybe steal a little of me for those moments. I love traveling. With the songs new life I'll imagine myself being spread around like a good flu.

I've said it in a million interviews already. The songs don't belong to me. They are bigger than I'll ever be and they'll certainly live a lot longer than I will. That's why this album is less about me and more life in general. It's an album about awesome times, celebrated by real people, sexy people, and waking up to smell their sweet sweat still lingering in the air.

Someone once passed me a stack of books and said enjoy. And when you are done, pass them on, for they do not belong to you. They belong to the world. And that is what I'm doing with these songs. They are of the world and for the world.

Even the personal songs about my family and factual love stories, I will not take credit for writing them. It is my duty to simply sit and listen to a frequency that anyone can hear; a station perhaps from space, commercial free, broadcast in the clouds. I don't ask. I sing-a-long to that station nonetheless, and happen to record the phrases and melodies from time to time, and still they are not my own. Maybe I am a receiver, but just an instrument in that sense. My body is just hardware. Some other wonderful force is playing the song.

Whatever "being" is to the human, whatever air is to the bird, or what water is to the fish. Whatever force decides to make our hearts beat and food digest. That mad divine scientist is who is responsible for these songs. They are a gift for all of us.

I am so grateful and so I project and we share the sweetness.

I am glad you're listening too. Enjoy the new album.

--Jason Mraz

I am enjoying the new album. It's lovely. It's definitely more Mr. A-Z than it is Rocket, but not quite as out there as A-Z was. A little less self-indulgent. Features Colbie Caillat and James Morrison, and a Jason who seems to have come back down to Earth--maybe not all the way, but who needs to plant their feet in the ground? Not me.

And on a slightly related note, his journal is actually fun to read again. Did he change or did I? Both, perhaps?


The Ex said...

Honestly, is it wrong to say that I think perhaps he's better without Tristan Prettyman? This album is fan-fricking-tastic. I completely fell in love with him again.

courtney said...
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courtney said...

It's not wrong. I do think he's better without TP, and I think TP is better without Mraz.